Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 5

We are now half way in our 10 day feast, I hope that those that are joining me are remembering to work on your mind and spirit as well as your body. Are you taking some meditative time for yourself? Have you given yourself any pampering? Personally, I find it such a great opportunity to prioritize taking care of me right now knowing all the additional benefits because of the amazing juice I'm consuming.  I know it can be difficult at the best of times but I know that you can find at least 35 minutes to do something good for yourself every day! That's 15 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of exercise. You may even find that you enjoy it so much that you give yourself an hour.

I'm very excited to have pineapple today after having gone shopping yesterday. 
Straight pineapple juice acts as a liver cleanser and contains masses of the enzyme bromelain, which is anti-inflammatory not to mention it's delicious.  Below is one of the recipes I look forward to making today:

1/2 a pineapple
1 head greens - I particularly like spinach or red chard
1 head celery
big handful of fresh mint

makes about 34-40 ounces

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you honey! Great job leading the juice feast!
